In this post, we will discuss the Father of Different Branches of Biology. Every year one or two questions come from this topic, so we should keep this in mind for all our students. Below is a list of Father of Different Branches of Biology.
Father of Different Branches of Biology
SL No. | Branch of Biology | Father of Biology |
1 | Father of Biology | Aristotle |
2 | Father of Bacteriology | Robert Koch |
3 | Father of Ayurveda | Charaka |
4 | Father of ATP cycle | Lipmann |
5 | Father of Antibiotics | Alexander Fleming |
6 | Father of Antiseptic surgery | J. Lister |
7 | Father of Modern Anatomy | Andreas Vesalius |
8 | Father of Anatomy | Herophilus |
9 | Father of Blood circulation | William Harvey |
10 | Father of Botany | Theophrastus |
11 | Father of Modern Botany | K. Bauhin |
12 | Father of Bryology | Johann Hedwig |
13 | Father of Chemotherapy | Paul Erlich |
14 | Father of Comparative anatomy | George Leopold Cuvier |
15 | Father of Comparative zoology | Cuvier |
16 | Father of Blood groups | Land Steiner |
17 | Father of Concept of Evolution | Empedocles |
18 | Father of Conditioned reflex | I.P Pavlov |
19 | Father of Cytology | Robert Hooke |
20 | Father of Modern Cytology, | Carl P. Swanson |
21 | Father of Experimental physiology | Galen |
22 | Father of Experimental Genetics | T.H. Morgan |
23 | Father of Eugenics | Francis Galton |
24 | Father of Ethology | Konrad Lorentz |
25 | Father of Epidemiology | John Snow |
26 | Father of Endocrinology | Thomas Addison |
27 | Father of modern Embryology | Karl Ernst Von Baer |
28 | Father of Embryology | Kaspar Friedrich Wolff |
29 | Father of ECG | Einthoven |
30 | Father of DNA Fingerprinting | Alec Jeffry |
31 | Father of Fermentation | Louis Pasteur |
32 | Father of Genetic engineering | Paul Berg |
33 | Father of Genetics | G.J. Mendel |
34 | Father of Modern Genetics | W. Bateson |
35 | Father of Gerontology | Korenchevsk |
36 | Father of Haploid Genetics | Dodge |
37 | Father of Histology | Francis Bichat |
38 | Father of Histology | Malpighi |
39 | Father of Homoeopathy | Samuel Hahnemann |
40 | Father of Human genetics / Biochemical genetics | Arachibald Garrod |
41 | Father of Medicine | Hippocrates |
42 | Father of Indian systematic botany (Taxonomy) | H. Santapau |
43 | Father of Indian Palynology | P.K.K Nair |
44 | Father of Indian Palaeoboatny | Birbal Sahni |
45 | Father of Indian mycology and plant Pathology | E.J. Butler |
46 | Father of Indian embryology | P. Maheshwari |
47 | Father of Indian Ecology | R. Misra |
48 | Father of Indian Bryology | S.R Kashyap |
49 | Father of Indian Algology (Phycology) | M.O.P. Iyengar |
50 | Father of Immunology | Edward Jenner |
51 | Father of Modern Microbiology | Louis Pasteur |
52 | Father of Microscopy | Marcello Malpighi |
53 | Father of Microscopy and Microbiology | Anton van Leeuwenhoek |
54 | Father of Mosaic theory | Wilhelm Roux |
55 | Father of Mutation theory of evolution | Hugo de Vries |
56 | Father of Mycology | P.A Micheli |
57 | Father of Palaeontology | Leonardo da Vinci |
58 | Father of Modern Palaeontology | Cuvier |
59 | Father of Palynology | Erdtman |
60 | Father of Modern Pathology | Rudolph Virchow |
61 | Father of Plant anatomy | N. Grew |
62 | Father of Plant Ecology | Warming |
63 | Father of Plant pathology | De Bary |
64 | Father of Plant physiology | Stephan Hales |
67 | Father of Polio vaccine | Jonas Salk |
68 | Father of Quantitative or Polygenic Inheritance | Kolreuter |
69 | Father of Regulative theory of embryonic development | Hans Driesch |
70 | Father of Zoology | Aristotle |
71 | Father of Modern Taxonomy | Carolus Linnaeus |
72 | Father of Taxonomy | Carolus Linnaeus |
73 | Father of Stress physiology | Hans Selye |
74 | Father of Special creation theory | Father Sqrez |
Article Information Sources: Wikipedia
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